Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Still walking!

Soooo, .... after visiting this site recently I realized that I haven't blogged since January. Since this site was intended to be a way of journaling my walk, I feel the need to defend myself. I'M STILL WALKING!! Obviously I'm no better at blog-journaling than I was with the old-fashioned pen and paper. However, the good news is that my walk continues. I think there's an important lesson here for us. On the outside, it may look to us like someone is not walking with the Lord, not growing in the Lord, but only God and the person knows the truth.

I've got a few different things going on right now. I am in a small study group with 5 other women. We chose different things to study, not always the bible. At the present time, we are studying a book called Boundaries. It's a must read for everybody. EVERYBODY. Therapists recommend this book to practically every client. The authors are christians and there are scripture references throughout the book. It's more significant to my personal growth than my spiritual growth (as if they can be separated!). However, I was thinking the other day how much less conflict there would be within the church if all the church members were to read this book.

I'm also in a small sunday school class. This class is led by my husband when he's in town and myself when he's not. Right now, we are studying the book of Romans. Praise God he's been in town every Sunday and we are over half way through. But, this week we were studying from Romans, chapters 9 thru 11. I found two awesome verses that have stayed on my mind all week. They are Rom 9:17 ... I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be procalimed in all the earth! There it is right there, folks ... THE MEANING OF LIFE. Nothing else matters. Good stuff will happen in your life. Bad stuff will happen. Blessings, curses, tragedies, triumphs .... through it all, nothing matters but letting God's power be displayed and proclaiming His name.

Then the other, Rom 9:20 .... But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, "Why did you make me like this?" Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? How's that as an answer to all the dislikes of myself? When I question why I am the way I am, I am back-talking God!! And as we learned in the sermon this past week, when we back-talk God, he responds!!! Job 38:4 ... Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand!

So, you see, I am still walking. I'm walking and I'm growing and I'm loving how He's speaking to me through His word. I may not be the blogger I intended to be, but I'm thinking that's not really what He cares about. Just as long as every blog, no matter how far in between, proclaims His name.