Sunday, January 10, 2010


So, it's January, a new year, 2010. People are all abuzz talking about resolutions. The friend at work asks you if you made a New Year's Resolution. Talk shows, news programs, store displays, sale ads, ... there are reminders everywhere that we should be setting new goals.

I've done this in the past, set goals. Mostly, they've been about weight loss. My body, my health. Looking better and feeling better. But, in truth, they usually all boil down to self image. Liking my self. Do you like yourself? Do you look in the mirror and like what you see? That's a hard thing for so many of us, to like what we see.

Recently, I was reading a Joyce Meyer book. It's called Battlefield of the Mind. I'm in a study group with 5 other ladies and this is what we are working on right now. Ironcially, no matter what I think about those 5 other ladies, I found out through this study that they think of themselves about the same way that I think of myself. Interesting, huh? So, in this book, Joyce is talking about peace. And she writes that peace is a fruit of the spirit. It tells us this in Galations 5:22. And then, Joyce points us to John 15:4, where it says that the only way to see fruit is by abiding in the vine. So, Joyce says, peace can't just be put on you, you can't just get peace, it has to grow because you are abiding in the vine.

I found myself intrigued by that thought and turned to those scriptures to learn more. And what did I learn? I learned what the other fruits of the spirit are ... love, joy, peace, patience, kindess, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and, ... AND, self-control. How about that? Self-control. So how many New Year's Resolutions have you made over the years that required self control? Losing weight, eating better, quitting smoking, drinking less, reading your Bible more, praying more, etc., etc., etc. Self control, baby! How many of us lack the self control to stick with our resolutions year after year. How many of us lack the will power to say no to so many things?

So, this is my new resolution, ... to abide in the vine. This year, 2010, I will not focus on losing weight, getting skinnier, fitting into that certain size, etc. This year, I will focus on living in Christ. Learning about Him, loving Him, knowing Him. And trusting that through Him, I will see fruit in my life. That is what this blog will be about. I've never been a successful journaler. I believe in the effectiveness of journaling, but never manage to pull it off (again, self control!). But, this blogging thing may be different. I'm going to give it a try and blog my journey abiding in the vine. I pray I see great fruit begin to grow.

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